Government measure to regulate social networks is annulled

Brazil Impact | Negative CIVICUS Rating | Obstructed On September 6, a provisional measure signed by President Jair Bolsonaro was published in the Official Gazette which, through a modification of the Civil Internet Framework, conditioned the ability of social networks to remove content or censor profiles to the fulfillment of certain requirements. The resolution was […]
The ruling party wants to create an anti-terrorist security force under the President’s control

Brazil Impact | Negative Probability | Medium CIVICUS Rating | Obstructed On September 16, the Special Anti-Terrorism Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that qualifies as terrorist crimes actions that put human life, critical, essential infrastructure or key resources at risk. It also covers actions aimed at intimidating or coercing the civilian […]
Government and opposition promote different bills for the reform of the security forces

Colombia Impact | Positive Probability | Low CIVICUS Rating | Repressed On October 5, the Second Committee of the Senate and the House of Representatives ruled in favor of the reform of the National Police Code and the creation of the disciplinary statute promoted by the government. However, another bill resisted by the government could […]
The ruling party promotes a bill to regulate the distribution of the radio-electric spectrum

Peru Impact | Negative Probability | Low CIVICUS Rating | Obstruido On September 17, ruling party legislator Abel Reyes (Peru Libre) presented a bill declaring of public necessity “the fair and equitable distribution of the electromagnetic and radio electric spectrum” of radio, television and other media, as well as transmission in the national territory. In […]
The Senate moves forward with a novel regulation on the privacy of neural data

Chile Impact | Positive Probability | High CIVICUS Rating | Obstructed At the end of September, the Senate debated three bills that aim to respond to the novel challenges posed by research in neurosciences and neurotechnologies in terms of integrity, mental indemnity and privacy of individuals. In other words, they seek to anticipate the possible […]
The Ombudsman’s powers for the prevention of torture are expanded by law

Bolivia Impact | Positive Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On September 29, the Executive Branch enacted an amendment to the Ombudsman Law sanctioned by Congress, which broadens the powers of the Ombudsman in the promotion of human rights, prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The new law designates the Ombudsman’s Office as […]
El Senado inició el estudio de un proyecto de prevención del acoso judicial a periodistas

Colombia Impacto | Positivo Probabilidad | Media Rating Civicus | Reprimido Bajada news: El 1° de septiembre el Senado inició el estudio de un proyecto de ley que propone tipificar penalmente el delito de acoso judicial o litigioso dirigido a cercenar los derechos a la libertad de expresión, información y asociación. El objetivo es combatir […]
La Asamblea Nacional dio el primer paso en la revisión del Estatuto de la Función Policial

Venezuela Impacto | Negativo Rating Civicus | Obstruido Probabilidad | Alta Bajada news: El 19 de agosto, la Asamblea Nacional (AN) aprobó en primera discusión una reforma de la Ley del Estatuto de la Función Policial presentada por el Poder Ejecutivo. El proyecto contempla ajustes en la Inspectoría de Control de Actuación Policial y en […]
The National Assembly took first step to revising the Police Function Statute Law

Venezuela Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On August 19, the National Assembly (AN in Spanish) approved in first discussion a reform of the 2015 Police Function Statute Law presented by the Executive Branch. The bill contemplates adjustments in the Police Performance Control Inspectorate and in the conformation of the Police […]
The Senate began studying a bill to prevent judicial harassment of journalists

Colombia Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Repressed On September 1, the Senate began the study of a bill that proposes to criminalize the crime of judicial or litigious harassment aimed at curtailing the rights to freedom of expression, information and association. The initiative, promoted by Rodrigo Lara Restrepo and Julio César […]