Las asociaciones civiles podrán acceder a un régimen de regularización tributaria

Argentina Impacto | Positivo Rating País | Limitado El 21 de diciembre el Congreso sancionó la Ley 27.541 de Solidaridad Social y Reactivación Productiva que declara el estado de emergencia económica, social y sanitaria a nivel nacional. Entre otras medidas de tipo fiscal, la norma establece que las entidades sin fines de lucro podrán acogerse […]

Congreso sanciona reforma del Código Penal sin los artículos más restrictivos

Brasil Impacto | Positivo Rating País | Obstruido El 11 de diciembre, el Senado sancionó el “paquete anticrimen” con el que el gobierno buscaba endurecer el Código Penal. Durante su tratamiento en el Congreso, la oposición logró que se eliminaran algunos de sus artículos más restrictivos para el espacio cívico como aquel que eximía de […]

Executive creates multi-stakeholder forum with civil society representatives

Peru Impact | Positive Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On January 2, coinciding with the approval of its IV Open Government Partnership Action Plan, the Executive branch announced the creation of a Multi-stakeholder Forum tasked to propose open government priorities and monitor the fulfillment of the commitments assumed. It will be made up of 12 members, […]

Deputies discuss bill to ban police use of non-lethal bullets

Chile Impact | positive Probability | Medium Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed On January 7, the Chamber of Deputies began studying a bill promoted by the opposition to prohibit ‘Carabineros’ (national police force) from using dissuasive means that may threaten the physical integrity in public demonstrations. The use of dissuasive means to restore public order must […]

Opposition prepares bill to scrap police riot squad

Colombia Impact | Positive Probability | Low Rating CIVICUS | Repressed Following the social unrest in December and amid repeated denunciations of excessive use of force and human rights violations by security forces, opposition senator Antonio Sanguino (Alianza Verde) announced he will be presenting a bill seeking to scrap the National Police’s Mobile Anti-Riot Squad […]

Civil associations may have access to a tax adjustment regime

Argentina Impact | Positive Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed On December 21, Congress passed Law 27,541 on ‘Social Solidarity and Productive Reactivation’ declaring a state of economic, social and health emergency at the national level. Among other fiscal measures, the law establishes that non-profit entities may benefit from the alleviation of outstanding tax debts, social security […]

Civil society works with Congress to protect journalists and human rights defenders

Mexico Impact | Positive Rating CIVICUS | Repressed On December 12, the Government Committee of the Mexican Chamber of Deputies held a meeting with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in which they were invited to collaborate in the elaboration of a package of measures for the protection of journalists and human rights defenders (HRDs). The Legislative […]