The Executive branch fails in bid to exploit personal information
Costa Rica Impact | Negative Rating CIVICUS | Open On February 17, the Executive branch issued a decree drafted in October 2019 authorizing the government to use confidential personal information for the purpose of researching and evaluating public policies. Following criticism from across the political spectrum and charges of unconstitutionality, President Carlos Alvarado reversed the […]
Government bill seeks journalistic self-censorship over corruption accused
Argentina Impact | Negative Probability | High Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed The ruling party senator Eugenia Catalfamo has proposed scrapping preventive detentions of persons accused of corruption prior to judicial sentencing in cases where, as she sees it, the media have already portrayed them as guilty. The bill’s author maintains that preventive detentions are used […]
Bill to expand role of the Armed Forces in internal security moves forward
Chile Impact | Negative Probability | High Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed On March 8, the Chamber of Deputies passed in committee a constitutional reform being driven by the Government to grant the President increased powers to deploy the Armed Forces in cases where critical infrastructure is seen to be at risk, including water, gas and […]
Court overturns controversial law to constrain civil society organizations
Guatemala Impact | Negative Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On February 27, President Alejandro Giammattei passed a law enabling the Executive to ban the activities of social organizations “disturbing public order” and take control over their finances. Those responsible for entities not complying with the law could be punished with imprisonment or business disqualification for a […]
Avanza proyecto que amplía rol de las fuerzas armadas en seguridad interna
Chile Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Alta Rating CIVICUS | Limitado El 8 de marzo, la Cámara de Diputados aprobó en general una reforma de la Constitución que aumenta la capacidad del Presidente para sacar a las Fuerzas Armadas a las calles cuando esté en riesgo la infraestructura considerada crítica para el funcionamiento del país: servicios […]
Corte frena polémica ley para controlar y limitar a organizaciones sociales
Guatemala Impacto | Negativo Rating CIVICUS | Obstruido El 27 de febrero el presidente Alejandro Giammattei promulgó una ley que permite que el gobierno prohíba el funcionamiento de organizaciones sociales si considera que “alteran el orden público”. También lo habilita para controlar sus flujos financieros. Los responsables de las entidades podrán ser castigados con pena […]
Presidente incita a la insurrección popular para presionar al Congreso
El Salvador Impacto | Negativo Rating CIVICUS | Obstrudido El 9 de febrero el Presidente de El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, llamó a la ciudadanía a movilizarse a las puertas del palacio legislativo con el fin de presionar a los diputados para que aprueben un préstamo internacional necesario para financiar su plan de control territorial. Bukele […]
President incites popular insurrection to pressure Congress
El Salvador Impact | Negative Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On February 9, the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, called on citizens to demonstrate outside the legislative palace to pressure Deputies to approve an international loan needed to finance his territorial control plan. Bukele appealed to the “people’s right to insurrection” which the constitution recognizes […]
Cuestioning the Government could be punishable by imprisonment
Mexico Impact | Negative Probability | Medium Rating CIVICUS | Repressed A proposal by the Attorney General’s Office (FGR, for its acronym in Spanish), announced in the Senate on January 14, could reinstate so-called “crimes against honor,” such as defamation, slander or insult, in the Penal Code. The FGR is proposing to punish thoseanybody damaging […]
A bill regulating civil associations is progressing with participation from CSOs
Ecuador Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed The National Assembly has reopened the debate on a bill to create a special legal regime guaranteeing the right of association, providing more legal security for CSOs. The initiative establishes that it is not necessary to be a legal entity to create a company, […]