Supreme Court stops government from ignoring public information requests

Brazil Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On March 23, President Jair Bolsonaro issued a provisional measure putting on hold the country’s access to public information law in removing deadlines for responding to information requests that do not relate to the health crisis. However, three days after taking effect the Federal Supreme Court (STF), following an appeal […]

Government authorizes armed forces to enforce quarantine compliance

Bolivia Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On March 25, by decree, interim President Jeanine Añez authorized the armed forces and police to use coercive means if necessary to preserve public order. Government Minister Arturo Murillo said he had ordered the security forces to carry out “cyber-patrols”, i.e. monitor and control social networks and individuals spreading disinformation […]

Moreno decrees state of emergency, gives go-ahead for digital tracking of citizens

Ecuador Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed On March 17, President Lenin Moreno authorized public authorities to use satellite and mobile phone platforms to trace the whereabouts of individuals not complying with the quarantine. It is among the measures being taken under the declared ‘state of emergency for public calamity’, in effect for 60 days. Two days […]

Government seeking to curb freedom of expression amid health crisis

Honduras Rating CIVICUS | Repressed In a contentious move, March 15 saw President Juan Orlando Hernández issue a decree weakening constitutional guarantees on personal freedom, movement, association and assembly, the prohibition of entering a person’s home without their consent or court order, respect for private property, as well as on freedom of thought. No sooner […]

Son casi 20.000 los detenidos desde el establecimiento del toque de queda

República Dominicana Estado | Limitado El 19 de marzo, el Congreso de la República Dominicana autorizó al presidente Danilo Medina a declarar el estado de emergencia en todo el territorio nacional y a restringir las libertades de circulación, asociación y reunión. Ese mismo día el gobierno decretó el estado de excepción por emergencia hasta el […]