Insecurity: the trigger for the declaration of a state of emergency in Peru and Ecuador

Resto de América Latina Impact | Negative The internal commotion in some regions of Ecuador and Peru was the excuse used by the governments of Pedro Castillo and Guillermo Lasso to justify further declarations of emergency. In Peru, it affects the cities of Lima and Callao, the VRAEM area, the Ucayali region and the mining […]
La inseguridad: el detonante de la declaración del estado de emergencia en Perú y Ecuador

Resto de América Latina La conmoción interna que se vive en algunas regiones de Ecuador y Perú fue la razón que esgrimieron los gobiernos de Pedro Castillo y Guillermo Lasso para justificar la larga sucesión de declaraciones de estado de emergencia. En el primero, alcanza a las ciudades de Lima y Callao, la zona del […]
The Assembly extends state of exception and reforms public procurement law

El Salvador Impact | Negative Rating Civicus | Obstructed On April 24, in a special session called by President Nayib Bukele, 67 of the 84 deputies of the Legislative Assembly, from the ruling and opposition blocs, voted in favor of extending the country’s state of exception in support of the government’s continued crackdown on gang […]
Costa Rica passed a law on access to public information; where do other LAC countries stand on this?

Rest of Latin America Impact | Positive CIVICUS Rating | Limited Towards the end of April, the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica passed a general law on access to public information and transparency. The right of access to public information is now enshrined in law across the entire region except for in Bolivia, Cuba and […]
Costa Rica aprobó una ley de acceso a la información pública, ¿cómo está el resto de la región?

Resto de América Latina Impacto | Positivo Rating Civicus | Limitado En los últimos días de abril, la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica sancionó una ley general de acceso a la información pública y transparencia. El derecho de acceso a la información pública ha sido reconocido por ley en casi todos los países de la […]
La Asamblea extendió el régimen de excepción y suspendió la ley de compras públicas

El Salvador Impacto | Negativo Rating Civicus | Obstruido El 24 de abril, en una sesión especial convocada a pedido del Presidente Nayib Bukele, 67 de los 84 diputados de la Asamblea Legislativa – pertenecientes al bloque oficialista como al opositor- votaron a favor de prorrogar el estado de excepción, a fin de continuar con […]
“Opening up the national debate is already a triumph”: a lowdown on the LUC referendum in Uruguay

Uruguay Impact | Positive CIVICUS Rating | Open Any comprehensive assessment of Uruguay’s March 27 referendum – where citizens got the final say over whether to repeal 135 articles of a new flagship law being pushed by the government – should look beyond the turnout and the ‘yes vs no’ voting split. Rather, it should […]
“Abrir el debate nacional ya es un triunfo”: la experiencia del referendum por la LUC en Uruguay

Uruguay Impacto | Positivo Rating Civicus | Abierto Sí o no, ¿he ahí la cuestión? El análisis del referendum del 27 de marzo en el que los uruguayos y las uruguayas decidieron sobre la vigencia de 135 artículos de la ley insignia del gobierno de Luis Lacalle Pou no puede ser reducido a números o […]
State of emergency decreed, civil rights suspended

El Salvador Impact | Negative CIVICUS Rating | Obstructed On March 27, the Legislative Assembly, with a ruling party majority, declared the beginning of the regime of exception throughout the national territory for a period of 30 days. The measure was approved, with 67 votes in favor, during an extraordinary session after the President, Nayib […]
New ‘NGO law’ – a step closer to institutionalizing harassment of civil society

Nicaragua Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Closed On March 31, the National Assembly, controlled by the Sandinista party, approved as a matter of urgency a new General Law for the Regulation and Control of Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) by 77 votes in favor, 12 abstentions and none against. This tightens the registration requirements for NGOs, […]