El Congreso reconoce el acceso a internet como un derecho fundamental

Perú Impacto | Positivo Probabilidad | Alta Rating Civicus | Obstruido A principios de marzo, el Congreso de Perú aprobó en primera instancia la reforma constitucional que reconoce al derecho de acceso a internet como un derecho fundamental. El nuevo texto establece el acceso gratuito a internet en entidades, instituciones y espacios públicos, y hace […]

Lasso presenta un proyecto de ley de libre expresión y comunicación

Ecuador Impacto | Positivo Probabilidad | Alta Rating Civicus | Obstruido El 24 de mayo, a solo pocas horas de asumir en el cargo, el presidente de Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, cumplió una de sus promesas de campaña: derogó el reglamento de la cuestionada Ley Orgánica de Comunicación sancionada en 2013 y envió a la Asamblea […]

Lasso presents free speech and communications bill

Ecuador Impact | Postive Probability | High Civicus Rating | Obstructed On May 24, just a few hours after taking office, the President of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, fulfilled one of his campaign promises: he repealed the regulation of the disputed Organic Law of Communication sanctioned in 2013 and sent to the Legislative Assembly a bill […]

A new registry limiting the operation of international social organizations was launched.

Venezuela Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Repressed On May 21, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs activated the Special Automated Registry of Non-Domiciled Non-Governmental Organizations (REGONG, in Spanish), a platform in which all foreign NGOs must register in order to continue their activities in the country. REGONG arises from a joint resolution of the Ministry […]

Constitutional Court annulled a regulation on the progressive use of public force

Ecuador Impact | Positive Civicus Rating | Obstructed On May 5, the Constitutional Court (CC) declared the unconstitutionality of the Regulations for the Progressive, Rational and Differentiated Use of Force by Armed Forces personnel in the face of meetings, demonstrations and disturbances resulting in “situations of serious internal commotion”.  In the ruling, the CC argues […]