Government seeks to restrict road blockades as a form of protest

Colombia Impact | Negative Civis Rating | Repressed In the last two months, the blockade of routes and roads has been one of the most used instruments of social protest. According to data from the Ministry of Defense, more than 2000 road blockades have been registered since April 28, which ignited a particularly polarizing public […]

Ruling party senator promotes a bill to regulate the external financing of NGOs

Mexico Impact | Negative Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Repressed The ruling party Senator Nancy Sánchez Arredondo presented a bill to reform the Federal Law for the Promotion of Activities carried out by Civil Society Organizations (CSO) in order to prevent economic resources coming from abroad or third parties from being used to intervene […]

Reforma Policial: la deuda pendiente que el Paro Nacional volvió a poner en agenda

Colombia Impacto | Negativo Rating Civicus | Reprimido El saldo de la represión policial contra las manifestaciones que sacuden a Colombia desde el 28 de abril ya supera las 50 muertes según Indepaz y la ONG Temblores, aunque el conteo oficial llega a 27. Con esto, vuelve a cobrar renovada vigencia una demanda social que […]