Una resolución ejecutiva restringe el acceso a información sobre las actividades del presidente

Panamá Impacto | Negativo Rating CIVICUS | Limitado El 20 de agosto el Ministerio de la Presidencia publicó una resolución mediante la cual declara como información de acceso restringido las actas, notas, archivos y otros registros o constancias de las discusiones o actividades del Presidente y Vicepresidente de la República y del Consejo de Gabinete. […]
La Asamblea Nacional cancela la personalidad jurídica de 15 OSCs, y ya son 49 las organizaciones afectadas

Nicaragua Impacto | Negativo Rating CIVICUS | Reprimido El 16 de agosto el Ministerio de Gobernación canceló la personalidad jurídica de 6 organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) internacionales. Exactamente diez días después la Asamblea Nacional controlada por el oficialismo aprobó con 70 votos la cancelación de personalidad jurídica de otras 15 OSC nacionales. Las […]
Bolsonaro vetó parcialmente una ley que actualiza los delitos contra el estado de derecho

Brasil Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Alta Rating Civicus | Obstruido El 2 de septiembre, el presidente Jair Bolsonaro vetó parcialmente una ley que deroga la Ley de Seguridad Nacional de la dictadura y tipifica en el Código Penal los delitos contra el estado de derecho democrático, entre ellos los crímenes contra la ciudadanía y […]
El gobierno avanzó en una nueva regulación de la organización interna de las asociaciones civiles

Honduras Impacto | Negativo Rating Civicus | Reprimido El 15 de agosto la Secretaría de Gobernación, Justicia y Descentralización de Honduras dio a conocer un acuerdo que establece una serie de disposiciones que las organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) deben incorporar en sus estatutos. Entre ellas, se cuenta un libro de registro de sus miembros con […]
The National Assembly took first step to revising the Police Function Statute Law

Venezuela Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On August 19, the National Assembly (AN in Spanish) approved in first discussion a reform of the 2015 Police Function Statute Law presented by the Executive Branch. The bill contemplates adjustments in the Police Performance Control Inspectorate and in the conformation of the Police […]
The Senate began studying a bill to prevent judicial harassment of journalists

Colombia Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Repressed On September 1, the Senate began the study of a bill that proposes to criminalize the crime of judicial or litigious harassment aimed at curtailing the rights to freedom of expression, information and association. The initiative, promoted by Rodrigo Lara Restrepo and Julio César […]
Debate on a Freedom of Speech Bill moves forward in the National Assembly

Ecuador Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Obstructed On August 24, the International Relations Committee of the National Assembly approved the unification of the Free Expression and Communication Bill presented by President Guillermo Lasso, and of an initiative to guarantee freedom of the press presented by the Andean Foundation for Media Observation […]
The Senate reactivated its study of a bill to update the Law on Access to Public Information

Chile Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Obstructed On August 30, the Senate Government Committee put on the agenda for the first time the bill presented by the Executive Branch that updates and expands the scope of the 2008 Access to Public Information Law. The initiative, which entered the Congress 10 years […]
Executive Branch and Assembly move forward with measures to strengthen transparency and access to public information

Costa Rica Impact | Positive Civicus Rating | Limited On August 6, President Carlos Alvarado officially presented the National Integrity and Corruption Prevention Strategy 2021-2030 (ENIPC in Spanish), which sets a 9-year plan to unify the institutional response to corruption and establish priority areas. One of the main axes of the project is the promotion […]
Amid growing restrictions to access to public information, the ruling party now proposes granting the Institute constitutional status

El Salvador Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Obstructed During the first days of August, the draft of the constitutional reform bill promoted by the ruling party was made public, which seeks to grant constitutional status to the Institute of Access to Public Information and to the Government Ethics Tribunal. The proposal also contemplates the […]