Cuestionamientos al Gobierno podrían ser penados con prisión

México Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Media Rating CIVICUS | Reprimido Los llamados “delitos contra el honor”, como la difamación, la calumnia o la injuria, podrían ser restablecidos en el Código Penal si avanza una propuesta de la Fiscalía General de la República (FGR) que se dio a conocer en el Senado el 14 de […]

Government reacts to wave of murders of social leaders

Colombia Impact | Positive Rating CIVICUS | Repressed The Ministry of the Interior will soon be presenting a comprehensive protection policy enshrining guarantees for social and community leaders, journalists and human rights defenders. The announcement came a few days after the Ombudsman’s Office revealed that 555 social leaders were killed between 2016 and 2019. The […]

Deputies halt bill requiring them to publish sworn income declarations

Paraguay Impact | Negative Probability | Medium Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On February 4, the deputies left the session in Congress without a quorum, where they were due to pass a bill requiring public officials and legislators to publish their assets on the Comptroller General’s Office website. Currently, any citizens wishing to find this out […]

Government seeks to expand role of Armed Forces for internal security

Chile Impact | Negative Probability | High Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed On January 20, the Senate approved a constitutional reform driven by the Government increasing the President’s capacity to order the Armed Forces onto the streets when critical infrastructure is at risk. Currently, the President is obliged to decree a state of emergency previously for […]

Right to be forgotten: CSOs warn of threats to freedom of expression

Mexico Impact | Negative Probability | High Rating CIVICUS | Repressed Ricardo Monreal, the leader of the ruling party bloc in the Senate, has filed a bill establishing the right to be forgotten on digital platforms. If approved, content could be removed from the Internet at the request of anyone mentioned therein. Civil society organizations […]

Con participación de OSCs avanza proyecto que regula asociaciones civiles

Ecuador Impacto | Positivo Probabilidad | Media Rating CIVICUS | Limitado La Asamblea Nacional retomó el debate de un proyecto de ley que crea un régimen jurídico especial para garantizar el derecho de asociación y brindar más seguridad jurídica a las OSC. La iniciativa establece que para conformar una sociedad no será necesario ser persona […]

Añez wants to veto the Human Rights Compliance Act

Bolivia Impact | Negative Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On January 17, interim President Jeanine Añez sent the Constitutional Court a veto of the Human Rights Compliance Act, passed by the Legislative Assembly on January 14. The law Añez intends to veto bans any arbitrary detention and judicial harassment, among other actions curtailing the exercise of […]

El gobierno reacciona ante ola de asesinatos a líderes sociales

Colombia Impacto | Positivo Rating CIVICUS | Reprimido El Ministerio del Interior presentará en las próximas semanas una política de protección integral y garantías para líderes sociales, comunales, periodistas y defensores de derechos humanos. El anuncio se dio unos días después de que la Defensoría del Pueblo revelara que 555 líderes sociales fueron asesinados entre […]

Government proposes treating “disturbance of public order” as an act of terrorism

Guatemala Impact | Negative Probability | High Rating CIVICUS | Obstructed On January 14, a few days before being sworn in as president, Alejandro Giammattei submitted a bill to Congress aimed at ensuring that any actions threatening social order, personal integrity or property, would be considered terrorist acts. There is another proposal in the works […]

Diputados frenan proyecto que los obliga a publicar sus declaraciones juradas

Paraguay Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Alta Rating CIVICUS | Obstruido El 4 de febrero los Diputados dejaron sin quorum una sesión en el Congreso, en la que se iba a aprobar un proyecto de ley que obliga a que funcionarios públicos y legisladores publiquen su patrimonio en la página web de la Contraloría General. […]