Executive Branch accused of creating parallel institutions to fight corruption

Honduras Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Repressed On November 6, President Juan Orlando Hernández created by decree the Secretariat of Transparency, an entity within the Executive branch authorized to take complaints from citizens and investigate alleged acts of corruption in public administration. Civil society and the Institute of Access to Public Information warned the […]
New IAIP commissioners appointed by President Bukele keep their asset information hidden

El Salvador Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Obstructed The Supreme Court, for its part, had ratified its decision to keep the addenda to Bukele’s patrimonial declarations secret during his term as mayor of Cuscatlán under the protection of Article 240 of the Constitution and in line with the Illicit Enrichment Law. The three IAIP […]
Officials of the government of Nayib Bukele are pointed out as guilty of harassing journalists in a report of the National Assembly

El Salvador Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Obstructed On November 12, the plenary session of the National Assembly approved the final report prepared by the Special Committee that investigated harassment of journalists by the Executive Branch. It identifies as the main culprits the President himself, Nayib Bukele, the Press Secretary of the Presidency, Ernesto […]
New regulation approved in Assembly establishes that restrictions on fundamental rights must only be for public health reasons

El Salvador Impact | Negative Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Obstructed The political handling of the pandemic in El Salvador has been characterized by disputes between the three branches of the State over the way in which prevention and containment efforts should be regulated. In particular, one of the most discussed issues has been […]
The Ministry of the Interior established a protocol to regulate demonstrations that could restrict the right to freedom of protest

Colombia Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed The resolution approved by the Ministry of the Interior on October 20, establishes that the protesters must meet with the mayors and governors to explain the reason for the demonstration, in addition to establishing that the police must identify who its leaders or organizers […]
Illegal espionage of social organizations denounced through the Law of Foreign Agents

Nicaragua Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On October 30, representatives of the Permanent Committee on Human Rights (CPDH, in Spanish) of Nicaragua and the Organization Víctimas de Abril (OVA) presented before the Supreme Court of Nicaragua an appeal of unconstitutionality against the Law of Regulation of Foreign Agents that limits […]
Congress moves forward on a proposal to eliminate the broadcast of audiovisual content without a court order

Uruguay Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Open The 2020-2024 Budget bill advances in the Senate. The bill already has the backing of Deputies and is expected to become law by the end of November. In addition to accounting for the State’s expenditures and revenues for that period, the bill seeks to […]
A bill that punishes hate crimes with life imprisonment advances in the Assembly

Nicaragua Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On November 10, the Plenary of the National Assembly gave its initial approval to proposals to reform article 37 of the National Constitution in order to punish hate crimes with life imprisonment. Currently, the maximum penalty for this established in the Penal Code is […]
President of Guatemala halts organizations favoring abortion

Guatemala Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Blocked Civil society organizations have denounced through a statement the “arbitrariness in actions that weaken democracy and violate the rights of association and organization.” The Executive Branch justified the move arguing the organization´s work did not match the interests of the State, with Planned Parenthood, an organization providing […]
Avanza en el Congreso una reforma a la Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública que amenaza con debilitar la independencia del ente rector

Guatemala Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Media Rating Civicus | Obstruido El 12 de noviembre, la Comisión de Transparencia recomendó al Pleno del Congreso la aprobación de una iniciativa para crear un órgano autónomo especializado en la protección del derecho de acceso a la información vinculado al Congreso. Esta recomendación constituye el primer hito en […]