Un proyecto obliga a los funcionarios a presentar declaraciones juradas de interés pero no a publicarlas

Panamá Impaco | Negativo Probabilidad | Media Rating Civicus | Limitado A 6 meses de su presentación, la Comisión de Gobierno, Justicia y Asuntos Constitucionales de la Asamblea Nacional activó y aprobó un proyecto de ley del diputado Gabriel Silva (independiente) que busca minimizar las posibilidades de que se produzcan conflictos de intereses por parte […]
El oficialismo impulsará un proyecto ley para limitar el acceso a fuentes de financiamiento internacional

Venezuela Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Alta Rating Civicus | Reprimido La publicación a principios de marzo del Plan Legislativo de la Asamblea Nacional para el 2021 trajo consigo la reaparición de un proyecto de larga data en el oficialismo nacional: la regulación y control del acceso a fondos de la cooperación internacional por parte […]
Control de internet y redes sociales, entre las prioridades de la Asamblea Nacional para el 2021

Venezuela Impacto | Negativo Probabilidad | Alta Rating Civicus | Reprimido A principios de marzo, la nueva Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela aprobó el Plan Legislativo para el 2021 que incluye una lista de más de 30 proyectos que serán discutidos a lo largo del año. En este marco, referentes de la sociedad civil señalaron con […]
Ruling party deputy promotes a bill to guarantee the professional secrecy of journalists

Mexico Impact | Positive Probability | Medium Civicus Rating | Repressed On April 19, the Justice Committee of the Chamber of Deputies approved a bill that seeks to give greater guarantees of protection to the professional secrecy of journalists, and by extension, to the right to freedom of expression. It does so by adding journalists […]
Ruling party promotes a bill to control social demonstrations during the electoral campaign

Nicaragua Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On April 12, ruling party deputies of the Sandinista Front presented before the National Assembly a bill to reform the Electoral Law. Among other points, the bill intends to oblige political parties to request authorization from the National Police to carry out public demonstrations […]
Bill to regulate health related crimes nears sanctioning

Uruguay Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Open On April 15, the Constitution and Legislation Committee of the Senate backed the bill which seeks to modify article 224 of the Penal Code, related to the violation of health provisions. Through the reform, it is proposed that a person breaching the provisions in […]
Government eliminates fees required to access public information

Guatemala Impact | Positive Civicus Rating | Obstructed On April 20, the National Registry of Persons (RENAP) issued a new agreement through which it repealed the charge of a fee for obtaining public information related to statistics and data included in its records. This comes amid a recommendation from the Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH) and […]
Mobile phone companies, obliged by law to share the personal information of their users

Mexico Impact | Negative Civicus Rating | Repressed On April 16, President Obrador enacted a legislative decree creating a National Registry of Mobile Telephone Users – that is, a database holding personal information to be used to fight crimes such as extortion and kidnapping. Telecommunications service providers will be responsible for collecting and registering information […]
Bill to control access to international financing moves forward in the National Assembly

Venezuela Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed On April 15, the International Cooperation Bill passed its first reading at the Foreign Policy Committee of the National Assembly. At least, so reports the web page of the Cambiemos party, to which the president of the Committee belongs. However, there has been no […]
Government to present a bill aimed at regulating social networks

Venezuela Impact | Negative Probability | High Civicus Rating | Repressed The Minister of Communication in Venezuela, Freddy Ñañez, announced that the government will submit to the National Assembly a bill to regulate social networks. The statement came a few days after Facebook temporarily suspended Nicolás Maduro’s account for recommending the use of Carvativir to […]