
    Impact | Positive

    Probability | Low

    Civicus Rating | Obstructed

    In early July, opposition senator Abel Gonzalez introduced a bill to authorize non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to make provisional use of seized assets under the administration of the National Secretariat for the Administration of Seized and Confiscated Assets (SENABICO in Spanish).

    The allocation and supervision of the correct, efficient and transparent use of these assets will be carried out through inter-institutional cooperation agreements. It will seek to benefit institutions dedicated to the fight against drug trafficking, money laundering, organized crime, or other non-governmental organizations that manage or have centers for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

    The bill contemplates the possibility of creating administration trusts, as well as leasing or entering into other contracts according to market conditions for the use of the assets. The expenses generated by the administration will be paid with the financial and productivity yields. The agency may also contract external services when, in accordance with the nature of the assets, it is necessary for their use.

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