Impact | Negative
Rating CIVICUS | Open
On July 14, after Congress gave it final approval, President Luis Lacalle Pou enacted the law that reforms the security and justice system, among other things. The law, which consists of 476 articles and 11 sections, includes the expansion of the scope of the principle of legitimate police defense and the limitation of the right to protest. With its entry into force, protests that prevent free movement will be considered illegitimate. In turn, people who “hinder, aggravate, attack, throw objects, threaten or insult police officers” may be sentenced to 3 to 18 months in prison. The reform incorporates the crime of resistance to arrest into the Penal Code and obliges citizens to identify themselves when a police officer requires it. The reform also prohibits the occupation of workspaces as a strike action. Government sources announced that they are already working on the elaboration of various regulatory decrees. The opposition does not rule out the possibility of endorsing a petition to repeal the articles in question.