
    Impact | Negative

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    After the extension until September of the State of Emergency, which was issued by the government to mitigate the impact of COVID-19, Congress amended the Penal Code in order to sanction non-observance of isolation and other preventive sanitary measures. The initiative aims to achieve full compliance with movement restriction orders at a time when Chile is positioned as one of the 10 countries most affected by the pandemic worldwide. As of the entry into effect of the law, on June 20, those who violate the quarantine provisions may be punished with up to 5 years in prison and fines ranging from approximately 1,500 to 15,000 USD. Security forces have already arrested more than 100,000 people for violating sanitary regulations.


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    Avenida Entre Ríos, 258 – 3E
    Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina (C1079ABP)
    Phone (+5411) 5218-4647