
    Impact | Negative

    Probability | High

    Rating CIVICUS | Limited

    Although the health crisis has put the mass protests in Chile on hold, there are still signs of unrest, as evidenced by ongoing roadblocks and protests. The conflict escalated on May 1, when the Carabineros (police) reported that among the protesters was an individual infected with COVID-19. On May 5, the Chilean Chamber of Deputies approved a government-sponsored bill penalizing individuals or organizations who “endanger public health” with prison, fines or community work. Those punishable under this are individuals who fail to comply with hygiene or health rules, or organizing ‘activities or shows’ in public. Organizations or services that continue to operate in a quarantined area may also be fined. The bill has been handed to the Senate, where legislators must debate it within a maximum of 15 days. 

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