
    Impact | Negative

    Civicus Rating | Obstructed

    On May 25, President Jair Bolsonaro partially vetoed the amendments to the Access to Information Law that sought to guarantee access to any information, document or control system of agreements entered into between the public administration and civil society, alleging that the same was unconstitutional and contrary to the public interest by limiting the right to the protection of personal data.

    In turn, the President enacted the amendment to the regulatory framework of civil society organizations, by means of which former mayors and former state or Federal District governors will have access to the records of the agreements entered into during the exercise of their functions, until such time as they must submit to the authorities the balance of their administration. According to the author of the bill, Senator Eduardo Gomes (Partido Liberal – ruling party), the purpose of this amendment is to avoid that, in cases of alternation of power between parties, legal proceedings are initiated against former officials under accusation of irregularities in the management of public accounts with the purpose of publicly discrediting them. 

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