
    Impact | positive

    Probability | Medium

    Rating CIVICUS | Narrowed

    On January 7, the Chamber of Deputies began studying a bill promoted by the opposition to prohibit ‘Carabineros’ (national police force) from using dissuasive means that may threaten the physical integrity in public demonstrations. The use of dissuasive means to restore public order must be reported to the National Institute of Human Rights and to Congress. Furthermore, the identification of reported members of the force must be made visible and legible at all times. The bill warns of the high number of injuries caused by the police’s use of non-lethal bullets in the protests that began in October: 1,915 between then and November 8.


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    Avenida Entre Ríos, 258 – 3E
    Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina (C1079ABP)
    Phone (+5411) 5218-4647